martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Joe O'Shaughnessy

Joe O'Shaughnessy es un nativo Galwegian. He was educated at St. Joseph's College, The Bish in Galway. Se educó en el Colegio San José. His interest in photography started when he was at school in the early '70s. Su interés por la fotografía comenzó cuando estaba en la escuela en los años 70. He is self taught and has long processed his own work. Es autodidacta y lleva mucho tiempo procesar su propio trabajo. He has worked as a staff photographer with The Connacht Tribune since 1980. Ha trabajado como fotógrafo personal con La Tribuna Connacht desde 1980.
His images have appeared in magazines and newspapers all over the world. Sus imágenes han aparecido en revistas y periódicos de todo el mundo. He has had a number of solo exhibitions in Galway. Él ha tenido una serie de exposiciones individuales en Galway. He has won many awards. Él ha ganado muchos premios.

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